About Chuck Keplar

The County Council position is really about the people of that district.  Councilors come and go but the people's ability to shape their government remains.  I’m running for County Council District 3 because this is my home.  It is where I’ve raised my 8 kids, many foster children and where I’m currently employed in education.  I love my community and, because of that, I am very concerned about families in my district.  Families are over-taxed and getting less for their money.  In 2015, the county expenses were about $150 million a year yet today they are $224.4 million which is a 50% increase with only a 15% population increase.  County spending needs a common sense approach and our leaders should be pushing to lower taxes.  Public safety is a high priority and the safety of our children in school is a big part of that.  We need to prioritize the safety of our kids, especially in schools, and do everything we can at the county level to protect our children.  The public safety tax revenue could be a good resource for these solutions.  Homelessness and drug overdoses are out of control in our county and we need to be recovery-based instead of harm-reduction-based.  Every year we handout more needles than we have residents in the county.  We need to do better or we will become Portland.  Transportation is very important.  We need to take action or tolls will be in our future.  That would be devastating for my district and the County.  We must work together for more sensible and affordable transportation solutions.  These are just a few of the reasons why I’m running.  I can’t sit around and hope someone else will do the work to find the solutions that our families need.  I’m willing to roll up my sleeves and get to work.